Door Demon Forklift Mounted Hopper Gate Opener - FORKDEVIL

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Door Demon Forklift Mounted Hopper Gate Opener

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Product Number: FORKDEVIL Category: Brand:


The Door Demon® “Fork Devil” Forklift Mounted Hopper Gate Opener is the most economical openers we manufacture, but just as
powerful as the rest.

This unit’s hydraulic motor is powered by the hydraulic system of the
forklift or other fork equipped device via the auxiliary hydraulic

This makes the Fork Devil a great solution where power options
such as air and electric are not available.

Safe, Single-person Operation.

Helps Prevent Employee Injuries.

Power-coated “Safety Yellow” for Increased Visibility.

Stabilizer Bar for Torque Suppression.

Stable Platform Allows for Predicable Performance.

Operator Controls Unit from the Safety of Fork-equipped Device.