Deutz Xchange Engine D2011L03 XED - D2011L03-XED

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Deutz Xchange Engine D2011L03 XED

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Product Number: D2011L03-XED Category:


Material Descriptions begin with XED for Fully Dressed engines.

FULLY DRESSED engines are built to the new engine Bill of Material (BoM) INCLUDING all accessories (such as Starter,

Alternator, Wiring Harness, SAE-Housing, Flywheel, Mounting Brackets, Exhaust Manifold or Air/Oil Bath Air Cleaner) in

the new engine BoM.


The same warranty conditions apply to XCHANGE engines as to new engines: i.e., warranty applies up to 36-months.

The Engine warranty will commence at the date of sale to the original retail customer, or one year from date of

manufacture, whichever occurs first.