Summer Lawncare Tips: Keep Your Grass Green and Healthy All Season Long

Summer is the season when lawns face the most significant challenges, from scorching heat to increased foot traffic. A lush, green lawn not only enhances the beauty of your home but also provides a comfortable space for outdoor activities. At HBI Broer, we understand the importance of maintaining a vibrant lawn throughout the summer months. In this blog post, we’ll address some common summer lawn care questions and provide expert tips to keep your lawn healthy and thriving. Whether it’s mowing, watering, or dealing with pests, we’ve got you covered with practical advice to ensure your lawn remains a beautiful and welcoming part of your home

How often should I mow my lawn in the summer?

Keeping grass slightly longer than you normally would (approx. 7.5 cm or 3”) will shade the roots and retain moisture in the soil. Experts suggest cutting no more than one-third of the height of your grass at a time. Ensuring that your mower blades are clean and sharp will ensure they cut with maximum efficiency.

How often should I water my lawn in the summer?

Watering your lawn early in the morning with prevent rapid evaporation. Aiming for a total of about 1 inch, or approximately 2.5 centimetres, per week (including rainfall) will aid in the maintenance of a healthy lawn, as will watering deeply but infrequently, which enables root growth.

Should I fertilize my lawn in the summer?

As the summer progresses, over-fertilizing and the lack of rainfall can burn the grass, leaving your lawn brittle and yellow or brown. Watering adequately and using a slow-release fertilizer manufactured specifically for use in the summer will go a long way to preventing this.

How do I control weeds in my lawn?

The application of herbicides intended for use before weeds appear can minimize their growth. However, once weeds have begun to take hold, you will need to remove them manually and may want to then apply herbicides to targeted areas of your lawn.

Note: Always be certain your local bylaws don’t restrict the use of the herbicide you’re considering using on your lawn.

How do I prevent pests from destroying my lawn?

Regularly check for signs of pests. Some of these signs include: the presence of bugs, grubs, and/or silk webbing; an increase in the presence of birds pecking at your lawn; tunnels in the lawn; mounds of soil that indicate activity by pests; brown patches; sections of the lawn that seem soft and squishy; wilting grass even when your lawn is adequately moist; and grass that pulls out of the soil too easily. If one or more of these signs of a pest infestation are present, address the issue as soon as possible.

How do I prevent paths being worn in my lawn?

Intentionally creating a path over the most well-worn path across your lawn can add to its beauty and prevent wear on other parts of your lawn. For example, some homeowners with corner lots create a path, knowing pedestrians and cyclists will take a shortcut across their lawn either way. It’s a small way to be more neighbourly—and preserve the appearance of your lawn.

When should I aerate my lawn?

Aerating compacted soil early in the summer will enable grass and plants to grow more easily, making your lawn lusher and more beautiful.

Maintaining a healthy lawn during the summer can seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and tools, it’s entirely achievable.

From proper mowing and watering techniques to managing pests and preventing wear, these tips will help you keep your lawn looking its best all season long. Remember, a well-maintained lawn not only adds to the curb appeal of your home but also provides a pleasant space for relaxation and enjoyment. For all your lawn care needs, visit HBI Broer in Aylmer, Ontario, where our experts are ready to assist you with the best products and advice. Here’s to a summer filled with lush, green lawns and outdoor fun!

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If you’re interested in our lawn tractors, mowers, tillers or pressure washers, please get ahold of us. We would be glad to discuss your needs, and provide you with a detailed estimate of purchase and delivery costs.

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When you make a purchase with us, we take the time to explain all the components of your new equipment to you and provide you with our full-service department guarantee. We service all our yard equipment to ensure that your new equipment lasts a lifetime. We are proud to be a premier full-service dealership for all products we sell.